当前位置: 首页 > 团队展示 > 2021年山东淄博高新区重磅发布“人才生态七条”




近日,淄博高新区“七大人才生态”政策发布会召开。 这是淄博高新区近年来出台的第三项综合性人才政策,将为人才加快“三区一窗口”建设提供更多智力支持。 根据《优化人才生态促进高新区高质量发展七项措施(试行)》,“人才生态七项措施”为:鼓励人才团队创新创业。 共建新型研究生培养基地。 优秀、扎实、灵活。 用好本土人才。 鼓励企业市场化招聘人才。 实施各类人才安居工程。 打造人才成长和发展的生态系统。


7月29日,省第十三届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十四次会议审议通过了《关于契税具体适用税率等有关事项的决定》。 我省契税立法体现了税制转化的总体思路,维持我省契税现行3%的具体适用税率淄博招商外包团队,确保税制平稳过渡和经济社会健康发展。 此次立法的目的是落实税收法定原则,保障去年8月通过、今年9月1日起施行的《中华人民共和国契税法》顺利实施。


构建“1+3+4”现代产业体系,围绕我区四大支柱产业,聚焦重点产业和重点领域,实施制造链延伸工程。 进一步衔接关键环节,补齐薄弱环节,强化优势环节,优化产业链布局,形成产业集聚效应,提高产业链、供应链现代化水平,推进“北极星制造”向“北极星智能制造”、工业区向工业强区转变。 提高产业链配套能力,开展产业链招商引资行动,增强产业链创新能力,充分拓展应用场景,坚持精准帮扶企业。


为贯彻落实新发展理念,加快实施创新驱动发展战略,激发创新活力,建设高水平创新型省份,根据有关法律、法规,结合实际,制定本条例。结合全省实际情况。 科技创新要坚持深化科技体制机制改革,营造良好创新生态; 坚持面向科学前沿,增强原始创新能力; 坚持发挥市场在创新要素配置中的引导作用,推动产业链、创新链、资金链深度融合。 发挥人才第一资源作用,充分调动各类创新主体的积极性。


7月26日,中国散裂中子源首台合作谱仪多物理场谱仪通过验收,将于今年10月向公众开放。 中国散裂中子源解锁了新的“技能包”。 这标志着中国散裂中子源建成了国内第一台可开展中子全散射研究的多物理谱仪。 这也是中国散裂中子源与粤港合作攻关的科研项目之一。


7月29日,2021年国家高新区宣传工作暨融合媒体建设研讨会召开。 来自全国各地国家高新区及相关单位宣传部门的150余名代表如期而至,齐聚包头稀土高新区,共同探讨、交流新理念。 在国家高新区宣传及综合媒体建设工作开展阶段,对荣获2020年度国家高新区优秀宣传部、国家高新区门户网站、微信公众号的单位将给予表彰并颁发证书将被发行。


近日,广州开发区援建和对外经济合作局赴佛冈开展对口支援工作调研。 调研组前往县北中学、县东中学了解帮扶项目落实情况,前往水头镇石滩村学习党史。 教育,推动两地结对帮扶工作深入扎实。 自2018年黄埔区(广州开发区)对口帮扶佛冈县以来,广州市黄埔区(广州开发区)全面支援佛冈县工作队(以下简称“黄埔区(广州开发区)帮扶工作队”)一、结合佛冈实际情况,紧紧围绕帮扶目标任务。


前瞻产业研究院数据显示,中国MCU市场74%以上被意法半导体、NXP、Microchip Technology、瑞萨电子、英飞凌等海外厂商占据,而本土MCU厂商的市场份额仅为约10%。  。 在这波供不应求的过程中,国内企业进一步崛起。 在产能紧张的背景下,粤港澳大湾区企业有机会在本土化、晶圆代工、新兴市场等方面走得更远。


22个项目已开工、竣工投产,总投资238亿元,预计产值452亿元,助力惠州加快打造万亿级产业集群……惠阳区吸引了一大批优质项目落户发展。 其中,总投资过亿元的工业项目14个已开工,总投资150亿元,预计产值315亿元;  8个工业项目集中建成投产,总投资88亿元,预计产值137亿元。


7月28日,2021年湘西土家族苗族自治州(深圳)优势产业招商推介会在深圳召开。 当天,28个项目成功签约,吸引投资204.89亿元。 其中,生态文化旅游项目6个,总投资73.2亿元; 新增工业项目11个,总投资59.9亿元; 特色农业项目5个,总投资24.49亿元; 商业物流项目4个,总投资30.8亿元; 基础设施和社会公益项目2个,总投资19.7亿元。



7月29日,湖南与粤港澳大湾区建筑业合作交流推介会在广州举行。 据介绍,建筑业是湖南重要支柱产业。 湖南省副省长何宝祥表示,湖南与粤港澳地缘毗邻、交往密切,建筑业合作成果丰硕。 广东成为我省建筑业产值比重最高的省份。 湖南将以更加积极主动的姿态继续开拓粤港澳市场,积极融入粤港澳大湾区建设浪潮。 本次推介会吸引了湖南、粤港澳地区70余家企业参加,并现场签署了7项战略合作协议。


7月30日上午,兴宁市重点项目在兴宁·天河创新产业园签约、开工、竣工。 签约、开工、竣工项目45个,总投资112.51亿元。 项目涵盖装备制造、电子信息、纺织服装、新能源、新材料、基础设施等领域。 其中签约项目10个,计划总投资38.83亿元,预计年产值34.6亿元,年税收1亿元; 在建项目14个,计划总投资19.97亿元; 竣工项目21个,总投资53.71亿元。




上半年,22个省级重大项目完成投资93.5亿元,投资完成率为50.1%。  295个市级重大工业项目投资完成率占年度投资目标的53.2%,同比增长0.7个百分点。 重大项目招商超预期突破100个,亿元项目招商目标提前完成。  26日,从无锡市发改委获悉,上半年,无锡市重大工程项目建设有序推进。 质量发展的“脊梁”。


今年以来,南湖区重大工业投资项目启动“全速模式”,抢时间抓效率,加快运行,构筑全区新一轮高质量发展“生命线”南湖区. 数据显示,1-6月,218个重大工业投资项目中有181个开工建设,总体开工率为83.03%。 今年累计完成投资155亿元,完成年度计划的65.73%。


日前,2021年省级农业标准化试点、战略性新兴产业和服务业标准化试点名单公布。 批准的项目。  “七个一”围绕人民日益增长的美好生活需要对消费者权益保护提出的创新要求,积极构建覆盖消费者投诉信息公开等环节的标准体系。  “三个现代化树种”围绕省委、省政府“绿色江苏”工程,以培育“三个现代化树种”为举措,实现经济、生态、社会效益全面提升。


7月27日,从江苏省商务厅获悉,江苏省省级跨境电子商务产业园申报工作正在进行中。 符合条件的产业园区应于8月5日前正式报省商务厅。省商务厅对公告无异议的,将认定为省级跨境电子商务产业园区,并予以核准。颁发统一许可证。


日前,国家发改委印发2021年重大区域发展战略(长三角一体化发展方向)中央预算内投资计划,长三角生态绿色一体化发展示范重点项目共9个开发区纳入支持范围,其中生态环保项目3个,互联互通项目4个,公共服务项目2个。 下一步,示范区执委会将进一步发挥统筹协调作用,更加注重示范区重大项目的资源配置。


从吴兴高新区获悉,上半年,园区引进亿元以上项目27个,计划总投资218亿元,完成全年目标的96.4%。 高新区管委会表示,当地智能物流装备产业平台自去年列入省“万亩千亿”新型产业平台培育名单以来,释放出强大磁场效应。 从指标完成情况看,上半年园区招商引资工作领先全区。

上海浦东金融数据港开业 打造金融科技产业集群

7月27日淄博招商外包团队,“建设城市数字化转型示范区——金融数据港开业仪式”在张江新智汇金融科技产业园举行。 开港仪式上,中央国债登记结算有限责任公司中债数字金融、中国金融期货交易所技术研发基地、海通证券研发中心三大重点项目在金融数据港顺利落成,11家机构入驻中、意向入驻或提供技术支持的金融数据港建设。


日前,在盘锦市长三角精细化工主题招商活动暨投资项目签约仪式上,共有41个优质项目其中30个精细化工项目在盘锦市成功签约,协议签约金额为151亿元。 三角一体化发展大战略,以建立清洁低碳、安全完整的产业体系为指导,以推动石化和精细化工产业链延伸、补链、强链为主线,建设国家重要的石油化工和精细化工产业基地


7月29日,金桥股份在金桥综合保税区举行重点技术研发企业集中签约仪式,这是金桥服务浦东打响领跑区社会主义现代化新征程的第一枪。 此次签约的6家重点企业均为集成电路高端装备、第三代高技术半导体材料、国际领先新药研发生产外包、药物临床前测试等关键核心技术的行业领先企业,合计投资超过128亿元。



7月26日上午,2021年“创新中国·山西综改示范区站”活动在智创城二号启动。 本次活动将着力打造一流创新生态,打造大众创新、高质量创新创造、高水平创业就业的升级版,为推动经济高质量发展提供有力支撑。 轻控创新基地(太原)、智创城三号设立分会场。


7月29日,在青岛以色列“国际客厅”启动一周年举办的创新论坛暨中以企业家联谊会上,来自政府、高校、企业的代表共话合作发展,共谋发展。 - 获胜局面。 立足青岛与以色列“国际客厅”,秉承共商、共建、共享、共赢理念,深化中以合作,汇聚两国智慧,实现合作共赢,打造中国与以色列地方合作新标杆。 以色列与中国的合作是双方互利共赢的选择。 希望客厅能够继续发挥良好的桥梁和纽带作用。


7月29日,第三届中国工业互联网大赛在京正式启动,“工业互联网+智能网联汽车”专业赛同步拉开帷幕。 开幕式由国家工业信息安全发展研究中心副主任何小龙、工业和信息化部信息技术发展司副司长王建伟、科技部副主任张晓红主持。国务院国资委科技创新和社会责任局、中国工程院院士、大赛专家评审委员会顾问邬贺铨等出席开幕式。


智能网联汽车专业赛是中国工业互联网大赛设立的第一个专业赛道,也是大连高新区主办的首个国家级赛事。 本次专业赛将持续3个月,旨在通过全国大赛平台评选出一批助力汽车产业的创新产品和解决方案,重点关注智能驾驶、智能座舱、智能网联、智能车载云、智能网联等五个领域。汽车产业数字化、智能化、网联化发展将解决产业生态共性技术创新需求,吸引优秀企业和产品落户大连。 半决赛和决赛期间,还将举办主题高端论坛、行业对接会、重点企业参访等多项活动。


日前,东营环驰国际贸易有限公司一批运动裤率先尝试跨境电商“9710”模式(B2B),完成清单申报,并成功发出出去。 该批货物采用全国通关一体化模式操作,通过“中国山东国际贸易单一窗口”报关,空运出口南非,实现首单跨境电商“广饶跨境电商产业园(B2B)货物出口“9710”模式,标志着园区跨境电商B2B出口工作正式启动。


7月29日,辽宁省东戴河新区承办的京津冀“带土移植”科技招商推介会在京举行。 推介会发布了科技创新和人才优惠政策。 对全职引进的一级拔尖人才,3年内每人每月给予1.6万元岗位津贴和200万元市内自住住房补贴等相关政策资金支持。 航天宏图、北大北斗伏羲、中孵化高科技产业孵化有限公司等20家企业现场签约,东戴河中关村金种子训练营等10个项目达成合作意向,并开展三项实质性工作产学研联盟获得许可。


7月26日,“双招双引”北京项目签约仪式在东营市举行。 示范启动245个生态保护、重大基础设施和高端产业项目,努力开创高水平现代化强市建设新局面。 据了解,本次活动签约项目4个,总投资30.8亿元,涵盖新材料、高端装备、文化旅游、现代教育等领域,将为高质量发展注入新动能。我们城市的发展。


7月26日上午,西安市2021年第三季度重点项目集中开工仪式主会场在西安高新区举行。 西安高新区开工项目已达22个,全部为工业项目,总投资351亿元。 据介绍,西安高新区新开工的22个重点项目与“5561”现代产业体系布局密切相关,涵盖电子信息、高端装备、精密制造、生物医药等方面。 项目总面积约4200平方米。 亩,平均每亩投资854万元,达产后预计亩均产值达到1322万元。


27日下午,山东坤跃互联网环境大数据研究院项目签约仪式在日照高新区高新技术展示中心二楼举行,标志着环境大数据研究院正式落地项目被日照银行吸引。 签约后,日照银行、日照高新区、鲲悦互联网将共同设立2亿元的绿色产业环保投贷联动基金。 计划三年内不少于10家产业孵化和优质企业入驻园区,助推日照市绿色环保产业升级。


近日,投资11亿元的日照正吉药业项目开工建设。 项目主要研发生产抗病毒、抗肿瘤、心脑血管药物等系列药物,同步建设多功能药物创新研发及中试基地。 产业项目落地发展。 随着产业配套设施不断完善,目前全区已实施生物医药项目20余个,总投资61亿元,涵盖生物医药、医疗器械等领域。 该项目已具备投产条件,预计年产值108亿元,利税29.98亿元。


7月27日上午,全国“专精特新”中小企业高峰论坛在长沙开幕。 本次高峰论坛由工业和信息化部、省政府联合主办。 本届大会以“专业化、专业化、创新,成就未来”为主题,包括巡展、开幕式、产品发布、主论坛、分论坛等一系列活动,旨在加快推进中小企业专业化、精细化、专业化、创新发展水平,促进交流合作,促进共同发展。


7月28日,宁夏枸杞枸杞产业有限公司新建的枸杞深加工生产车间,位于银川经济技术开发区。 在这个生产车间里,宁夏枸杞枸杞产业有限公司去年建成了一条规范化、规模化、现代化的枸杞原汁、枸杞浓缩汁、枸杞汁饮料、枸杞籽油生产线。 今年,银川经济技术开发区重点培育新型食品产业,全面加快北京同仁堂宁夏生产基地项目、枸杞深加工、益百生健康产业园等一批项目建设,推动新食品产业高质量发展。


7月28日上午,第二届四川装备智能制造国际博览会开幕式暨高峰论坛在德阳高新区航展中心举行。 据悉,本届博览会将持续至本月30日,重点展示智能制造、能源装备、农机装备、应急装备四大领域的最新技术和先进装备。 本届博览会,多项新技术、新产品、发布活动在展会期间亮相。



On the morning of July 29, the rescue team of the Special Emergency Rescue Center of Xi'an High-tech Zone, which assisted Henan in flood relief and successfully completed various tasks, returned safely. Xi'an High-tech Zone Emergency Management Bureau and Xi'an High-tech Zone Jixian Park held a simple but grand welcome ceremony for the rescue team in Jixian Park. During the rescue period, the rescue team of the Special Emergency Rescue Center in Xi'an High-tech Zone safely transferred more than 5,700 people affected by the disaster, including more than 1,000 critically ill patients, and raised and distributed 83.5 tons of relief materials.

Hunan Hengzhou Avenue Digital Economic Corridor Special Investment Promotion Conference "Stunning" Appearance

On July 30, the Special Investment Promotion Conference for the Digital Economy Corridor of Hengzhou Avenue, Hengyang, China was held in Shenzhen. 100 Shenzhen enterprises came here to communicate and negotiate with the top ten digital economy industrial parks. Hengyang's preferential investment policies and first-class investment environment have aroused the interest of merchants. They have expressed very strong intentions for investment and cooperation, hoping to discuss business opportunities and jointly create a bright future for the digital economy.

The signing ceremony of the Ukrainian AK-3 series helicopter project in Jingdezhen High-tech Zone, Jiangxi Province was held

On July 26, the Sino-Ukrainian Helicopter Company project jointly invested and established by Jingdezhen High-tech Zone State-owned Venture Capital Corporation and Ukrainian DB Aerocopter Company held a signing ceremony. It is reported that Jingdezhen is the cradle of Chinese helicopters and an important scientific research and production base. It is one of the first batch of 26 comprehensive demonstration areas for the general aviation industry in the country. To expand the global market of light helicopters and drones, and promote the development of Jingdezhen's general aviation industry.

4 projects in Shaanxi Xianyang High-tech Zone have started intensively

Recently, Xianyang High-tech Zone held a mobilization meeting for the concentrated start of key projects in July 2021. The city-level key project that Xianyang High-tech Zone participated in the concentrated construction of Xianyang City is the Weiyi Road construction project with an investment of 42 million yuan. At the same time, the automatic monitoring of TEDA Kaisen oil pipeline and the production line of Hansheng Lilian brake machinery parts will also start. , Fengyaxuan Free Parallel Robot and other industrial projects settled in standardized factory buildings, a total of 4 projects with a total investment of 152 million yuan.

Docking with the Greater Bay Area, Hunan Yiyang High-tech Zone signed 6 projects on the spot

From July 27th to 30th, the 2021 Hunan-Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Investment and Trade Negotiation Event (referred to as "Hong Kong Negotiation Week") hosted by the Hunan Provincial People's Government and undertaken by the Hunan Provincial Department of Commerce was held in Shenzhen and Guangzhou. On the afternoon of July 28, at the site of Hunan's "Three Highs and Four New" strategy and China Free Trade Pilot Zone Promotion Conference, the Jinkang Communication Intelligent Terminal Industrial Park project was signed as the only provincial on-site signing project in Yiyang City. On the afternoon of July 29, at the Yiyang-Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area 5G Application Industry Chain Promotion Conference, a total of 5 projects were signed, including the Overclocking Three Heat Dissipation Industrial Park and Jinkang New Energy Power Battery Industrial Park.

Jiangxi Electronic Information Industry Supply Chain Conference Held in Ji'an

On July 28, the Provincial Electronic Information Industry Supply Chain Conference jointly organized by the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology and the Ji'an Municipal Government was held in Ji'an. There are 30 projects signed at the venue. It is understood that in recent years, Jiangxi Province has regarded the electronic information industry as one of the two trillion-dollar industries in the "2+6+N" industry's high-quality leap-forward development action plan, and has focused on building it with the strength of the whole province to promote the province's The electronic information industry has grown rapidly at an average annual rate of more than 20%. The industry scale exceeded 100 billion yuan in 2014, 400 billion yuan in 2019, and 500 billion yuan in 2020.

11 high-gold-content projects in Mianyang Science and Technology City New District, Sichuan, open investment invitation

On July 30, at the information conference of the New District of Science and Technology City (Directly Managed Area) held in Mianyang, 11 project information including the latest investment carrier, proposed land transfer, projects under construction and proposed projects in the Directly Managed District were highlighted. Among them, the innovation base project, the high-tech industrial park project, and the Shangma Story Commercial Street with the theme of "Shu Han Shangma Culture" became the highlights of the press conference and were favored by investors.

With a total investment of 40.5 billion, 12 major projects in Wuhan Optics Valley started intensively

On the morning of July 31, Wuhan held a centralized start of major projects in the city in the third quarter of 2021, and a branch venue was set up in Wuhan East Lake High-tech Zone. In the third quarter of Optics Valley, the total investment of 12 major projects was 40.5 billion yuan, mainly along the "golden cross axis". Among them, the investment in advanced manufacturing and modern service industries accounted for nearly 90%. After being put into use, it can produce higher industrial agglomeration and tax contribution effects. The 12 major projects include: Special Lighting Electronics R&D and Manufacturing Base, Mitutoyo Intelligent (Hanwei) Intelligent Equipment R&D and Manufacturing Base, Opening of Medical High-end Medical Devices R&D and Production Base, and Optics Valley No. The second phase of housing construction and other livelihood projects.

Jinhuasuan Digital Economy Industrial Park signed a contract and settled in the Chenzhou area of Hunan Pilot Free Trade Zone

On July 31, the Management Committee of Chenzhou High-tech Zone, the Chenzhou Area of China (Hunan) Pilot Free Trade Zone and Jinhuasuan Group held a symposium and on-site signing activities to reach an in-depth cooperation on the digital economy industrial park project. Liao Jianrong, member of the Party Working Committee and deputy director of the Management Committee of Chenzhou High-tech Zone, attended the event and delivered a speech. The project is presented in the form of a characteristic industrial park. It is also an important measure for Chenzhou High-tech Zone and Chenzhou Free Trade Zone to accelerate industrial agglomeration and build an innovative development pattern of resource sharing, complementary advantages, and industrial synergy.

Xpeng Motors Wuhan project officially launched in Wuhan Economic Development Zone, Hubei

On July 31, Xiaopeng Motors Wuhan Project was officially launched in the General Aviation Industrial Park of Wuhan Economic Development Zone. The project covers an area of about 1,500 mu, and will build stamping, welding, painting, general assembly, battery, electric drive and other process workshops. The planned production capacity of the whole vehicle is 100,000 vehicles, and the annual output value can reach 30 billion yuan after reaching the production capacity. He Xiaopeng said that the third-generation intelligent platform of Xiaopeng Motors, which landed in Wuhan this time, is its first global platform, which will accelerate the release of Xiaopeng Motors' production capacity and meet the rapidly growing market demand for smart electric vehicles.

The three major industries in Yinchuan High-tech Zone made efforts to achieve rapid economic growth in the first half of the year

Recently, Yinchuan High-tech Zone released the operating data from January to June this year. The data shows that the total industrial output value of enterprises in Yinchuan High-tech Zone was 2.916 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 167.77%. Among them, the total industrial output value of enterprises above the designated size was 2.806 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 178.20%; the investment in fixed assets was 125 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 39.90% ; Completed tax payment of 189 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.85%. The modern textile industry is gradually recovering. From January to June, the total industrial output value was 467 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 376.53%, accounting for 16.02% of the total output value of Yinchuan High-tech Zone. Restorative growth of circular economy industry. The output value was 1.943 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 226.55%, accounting for 66.63% of the total output value. The green food processing industry is growing steadily. The output value was 347 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 15.86%, accounting for 11.90% of the total output value.

Jiangsu Wuxi High-tech Zone: a strong industrial zone, the "innovation matrix" shows its strength

In the first half of 2021, Wuxi High-tech Zone (Xinwu District) achieved a regional GDP of 103.208 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 15.2%. Compared with the same period in 2019, the two-year average growth rate was 8.4%. According to statistics, from January to June, the district completed a designated industrial added value of 80.035 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 22.6%, ranking first among all sectors in the city. In the first half of the year, the total industrial output value above the designated size was 271.84 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 26.6%. Among them, the total output value of industrial strategic emerging industries accounted for 60.3% of the total industrial output value, 19.8 percentage points higher than the city's average. The six leading industries are booming across the board, and the electronic information industry above designated size, electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing, general equipment manufacturing, automobile manufacturing, special equipment manufacturing and pharmaceutical manufacturing increased by 14.7%, 56.6%, 25.4%, and 33.6% year-on-year respectively. %, 60.4% and 0.6%.

In the first half of the year, Daqing, Heilongjiang signed a contract amount of 106.4 billion yuan for investment promotion

From January to June, Daqing City negotiated a total of 441 projects, and signed contracts with the Artificial Graphite New Material Industrial Park, Longying Porcelain Industry High-end Daily Porcelain Production, Huaneng Wind and Solar Hydrogen Storage Comprehensive Application Demonstration Zone, Xiamen Tungsten Industry Carbon Neutral Technology Industrial Park, etc. There were 237 projects worth more than 10 million yuan, with a contract value of 106.4 billion yuan, and 201 projects with a formal investment agreement or contract of more than 10 million yuan, with a contract value of 80.32 billion yuan, including 122 projects with a contract value of 77.4 billion yuan.

The "Nine Battles" of Jiangxi Ganzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone have achieved outstanding results

According to reports, the open economy of Ganzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone has achieved a new leap. In the first half of the year, a total of 91 projects were signed, with a contracted capital of 95.8 billion yuan, of which 2 projects exceeded 10 billion yuan. Geely Technology's 42GWH power battery project was successfully introduced. 360 projects in the six major directions were started and 85 were completed, with an annual investment of 46.584 billion yuan. Completed 18 land acquisition and demolition projects. A total of 25.464 billion yuan has been helped to solve the capital needs of enterprises. 51 of the 54 rural revitalization projects were started and 16 were completed, with an annual investment of 1.094 billion yuan and an annual planned investment rate of 58.21%. Strive for capital of 1.333 billion yuan, and strive for 47 projects.

Zhejiang Jiaxing Haiyan Economic and Technological Development Zone handed over a high-quality "interim answer sheet"

Realize a gross domestic product (GDP) of 4.87 billion yuan, a comparable increase of 18.3%; introduce 2 projects exceeding 100 million US dollars, 2 projects with a total investment of 1 billion to 5 billion yuan, and 10 industrial projects with a total investment of more than 100 million yuan; complete investment in fixed assets of 4.009 billion yuan , an increase of 37.1% year-on-year; the operating income of industries above the designated size was 21.435 billion yuan, an increase of 44.1% year-on-year... The reporter learned yesterday that in the first half of this year, the economic development of Haiyan Economic Development Zone (Xitangqiao Street) handed over a high-quality " midterm answer sheet".

