当前位置: 首页 > 团队展示 > 2020年清城区工业和信息化局工作情况及2021年工作计划


今年以来,在区委、区政府的正确领导下,在各相关部门的大力支持和配合下,我局全面贯彻落实党的十九大精神党的十九届五中全会以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,紧紧围绕“全面建设小康社会、率先垂范”的奋斗目标融入珠三角”,积极应对新冠肺炎疫情,抵御经济下行压力,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,以创新驱动发展为中心,推动以供给侧结构性改革为抓手,推动区域工业和信息化领域稳定健康发展。 现将区工业和信息化局2020年工作开展及2021年工作计划报告如下:



一是积极开展支部主题党日活动。 持续推进“不忘初心、牢记使命”主题教育常态化,重点学习习近平总书记重要讲话精神,开展警示教育、廉政教育、责任意识教育、增强党员干部的宗旨意识。 尽管受到新冠肺炎疫情影响,我局仍然狠抓思想工作,利用学习强国、视频会议、微信等形式开展支部主题党日活动。 二是积极开展谈话提醒制度。 制定《清城区工业和信息化局2020年党风廉政建设责任座谈方案》和《清城区工业和信息化局2020年日常廉洁谈话约谈方案》,加强教育,强化监督,防止错误发展。 三是发挥党员在疫情防控工作中的先锋模范作用。 我局紧紧围绕新冠肺炎疫情防控重点任务,加强队伍建设,发挥党支部的战斗堡垒作用和党员先锋模范作用,落实做好疫情防控物资保障、推动企业复工复产、“防止境外疫情输入”等工作。


新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,我局严格按照省、市、区有关疫情防控工作部署和要求,积极做好疫情防控工作。 一是落实全区物资保障工作。 千方百计为我区筹集资金,组织防控物资供应,千方百计挖掘物资供应渠道,充分发挥企业与政府之间的桥梁作用,联系建滔集团、亿源通、威龙通过协调集团等企业以及青城区工商联等社会团体,协调市工业和信息化局、市商务局等市级部门,筹集了一批企业捐款用于支持防疫物资。 落实企业捐款407万余元,筹集口罩200万余只、防护服6470件、橡胶手套400副、护目镜1998套、体温计2601支、消毒液24吨、消毒液386箱、幽门螺杆菌染色480剂。 二是完善和规范复工复产指引。 《清城区提前做好企业疫情防控工作的指导意见》、《清城区工业企业疫情防控工作指导意见》、《关于进一步推进企业复工复产的紧急通知》 《关于加快推进清城区工业企业复工复产和重点项目建设的通知》等文件,统筹全区成立四套工作组联系定点工业企业和区工业和信息化局领导班子,各街道、镇招商办中层以上干部联系企业系统。 自上而下形成合力,努力引导帮助企业复工复产。 三是推动区内企业有序复工。 4月份规模以上企业复工率达到100%。 四是协调分工清远招商外包,为企业顺利复工复产保驾护航。

设立企业服务专班,重点为清远丰源生物科技公司、江振祥医疗器械公司、华尔森医疗科技公司等疫情防护装备企业提供后续服务,加快复工复产; 成立复工复产工作小组,落实专人对工业企业复工复产情况进行统计统计,重点记录和跟踪影响企业复工复产的困难,协调解决及时解决雄兴、建艺等企业农民工住宿问题,以及金永橡胶原材料紧缺问题; 积极为企业排忧解难,为丰源生物等11家企业申请贷款贴息; 为广东金发科技研发生产口罩熔喷布材料、生产医用防护口罩提供专项服务,加快口罩生产速度; 宏药业等9家应急物资企业申请退还增值税增量税收抵免; 为该地区重点制造企业等提供约29,200只防护口罩; 及时提供信息政策指导服务。 成立“企业提前复工联络小组”和“青城区企业复工复产沟通小组”两个工作微信群,做好政策宣传排解疑虑工作。及时的方式。 五是加大企业复工复产支持政策宣传力度。 根据《广东省工业和信息化厅关于做好新冠肺炎疫情防控重点保障企业名单管理工作的通知》,我们对为全区疫情防控重点担保企业,成功推荐5家有融资需求的企业申请列入国家或地方疫情防控重点担保企业名单。 根据《清远市工业和信息化局关于印发2020年清远市支持防护用品生产企业技术改造专项资金运用引导工作方案的紧急通知》,积极对接清远沃尔森医疗科技有限公司与清远丰源生物科技有限公司、清远江振祥医疗器械有限公司、广东广益口腔医院有限公司、康益医疗器械(清远)有限公司、 5家口罩生产企业,了解其项目进展情况,指导企业开展项目入库。


一是我区规模以上工业企业全面复工,生产能力逐步恢复。 1-10月,我区139家定点工业企业实现总产值542.42亿元,同比增长5.9%; 实现工业增加值120.15亿元,同比增长17.6%。

二是积极开展招商引资。 1-10月,全区新引进项目14个,合同投资约161.55亿元,其中新引进工业项目8个,合同投资92.07亿元; 现代服务业项目6个,合同投资69.48亿元。 三是推进项目建设和固定投资。 金发科技年产400亿只医疗健康防护手套建设项目、赛美(广东)科技创新产业园、金榜物流、兴威仓储等10个招商项目开工建设,投资额93.85亿元年投资93.85亿元。 目标的234.62%; 今年投资项目完成固定资产投资37.8亿元,完成年度工作目标的164.34%。 四是产业投资和技术改造逐步加大。 1-10月,全区(辖区部分)统计工业投资项目73个(其中技改项目57个、非技改项目16个),总投资11.23亿元,同比增长6.3%。 完成16亿元目标任务的70.19%; 纳入统计的57个技改投资项目累计完成投资7.03亿元,占工业投资的62.6%,同比增长21.6%,完成年度9.8亿元目标任务的71.73%元; 43家企业开展技术改造,完成55家企业技术改造年度目标任务的78.18%。 五是对外经济贸易形势逐步好转。 1-10月,我区实际利用外资1.48亿元,完成目标任务54.65%,同比-26.81%。 此外清远招商外包,我局累计上报外资增资项目约2.4亿元,预计完成年度任务; 1-8月份,我区外贸进出口总额78.59亿元,同比下降-1.6%,完成市下达目标任务的68%,其中出口其中,进口22.49亿元,同比增长74.9%;进口56.1亿元,同比下降16.3%。

六是社会淘汰形势依然严峻。 1-10月,全区社会消费品零售总额208.2亿元,同比下降11.3%,完成全年任务的53.72%; 其中,规模以上企业(现有203家)完成社会消费品零售总额106.56亿元,同比下降11.3%。 同期下降12.7%。 总体来看,受新冠疫情影响,今年社会消费总量断崖式下跌,下行压力较大。 近几个月来,经济逐步复苏,我区社区消费总量呈现逐月回升的态势。 七是加大科技创新力度。 我区共有32家企业申请2020年高新技术企业认定,预计完成市下达的2020年高新技术企业认定任务16家; 推荐10家企业申报省级研发机构,已完成市下达的8家企业推荐申报任务:推荐23个项目申报省、市科技计划项目,13个项目已获省、市科技计划立项市科技计划项目,已完成市级科技项目申报任务15项、市级立项(入库)任务10项。 截至2020年10月,清城区企事业单位累计获得各级科技专项资金1750万元。



根据市、区COVID-19疫情防控指挥部关于境外疫情防控的工作部署和要求,在区COVID-19疫情防控指挥部办公室机制下,我区成立了境外疫情防控指挥部。我局及时牵头应对新冠肺炎境外疫情。 “反进口”工作专班,专班下设有转运隔离组、信息统计组、后勤保障组等工作机制。 一是加强组织工作。 我局多次召开全区境外疫情“防输入”专题会议,提前谋划研究部署相关防疫工作,先后起草了《新冠肺炎境外疫情“防输入”专班工作》清城区《方案》(第一版、第二版)、《清城区新冠肺炎境外疫情“防输入”工作专项办公室工作方案》、《清城区新冠肺炎境外疫情“防输入”工作方案工作特级转运隔离工作指引》(第一版)、《区级隔离点库存人员转运工作方案》、《清城区疫情“防输入”集中隔离点(海源宾馆)管理工作方案》,使境外疫情“反输入”工作有序推进。二是不断优化集中隔离点,充分配置资源。 根据境外疫情变化,不断调整工作方向,不断优化集中隔离点,做好区、镇(街道)两级区级隔离点的选择和管理。 三是不断优化转运交接流程,对入境人员分类管控,对所有回清入境人员统一实行核酸检测全覆盖。 目前,我区境外疫情“防输入”已实现总体可控可防、安全转运、闭环运行的阶段性目标。 我区累计完成转运230批,带回人员841人(其中商务谈判人员69人),其中中国公民816人(其中留学生71人)、外籍人员25人。 四是做好广州白云国际机场口岸入境分流工作。 按照《广东省境外重点地区防控输入工作》等要求,我区成立了清远市清城区经济广州白云国际机场口岸入境分流至清城区客运服务队、清城区新冠肺炎境外疫情“反输入”工作组已与海源商务酒店、维也纳酒店(清远长隆店)、豪庭阁酒店、一号公馆酒店、希尔顿欢朋酒店、潮漫酒店(清远站府前店)等7家酒店合作商城正德酒店签订租赁合同,作为清远市、清城区集中医学观察场所。 其中希尔顿欢朋酒店、潮酒店(清远站府前店)、豪庭阁酒店由市管理,海源酒店、维也纳清远长隆店、一号公馆、商城正德酒店由我区管理。 分流转运工作启动后,共完成分流转运6批,分流转运人员1654人,其中中国籍人员1584人,外籍人员70人,留学生140人。


一是加快低效土地盘活。 我局始终以低效土地盘活为主要手段,加大新项目引进力度,有力推动产业转型升级。 截至11月底,我局已盘活宏盛(清远)金属有限公司、清远东商钢业有限公司地块,成功引进赛美(广东)面积122亩投资11.6亿元)科技创新产业园项目和占地500亩、投资26亿元的广清中大时尚科技城项目。 二是平台推广不断深入。 互联网+创新产业园(华南声谷)是我区产业转型升级的重点平台。 今年,平台又新增优质项目——中嘉博创(华南)金融信息服务产业园项目。 该项目总投资12亿元,占地约120亩。 主要从事金融信息服务外包业务、信息智能传输业务和金融科技产品研发。 它利用了大型联络中心(呼叫中心)、软件系统和数据挖掘技术。 为银行、保险公司等大型金融企业提供金融产品营销及综合运营服务解决方案。 该项目的引进,进一步壮大了互联网+创新产业园(华南音谷)的实力。 三是继续开展驻点招商引资。 我局继续安排专人在越秀区招商中心开展招商工作。 通过企业走访、政企交流等方式,多渠道联系企业资源,发现潜在投资标的,邀请客商来青城区考察投资环境。


一是建立区领导联系重点企业、重点推进项目制度,通过区领导联系企业、项目,切实解决企业反映的问题和困难,加快项目建设投产,助力经济发展。 二是召开2020年清城区重点企业和重点推进项目联席会议,为星谷科技公司等5家企业解决道路建设、水电消耗等多重问题。

三是促进小微企业规模化。 我区共有18家企业获得“2019年新升级工业企业”补助资金。 每家企业获得20万元,共计360万元。 2020年,市下达了我区2020年10项“小提升”任务目标、培育仓储12项任务目标。 我局梳理培育仓储企业12家。 四是推荐企业申报专精特新中小企业。 根据《关于转发省工业和信息化厅组织开展2020年专精特新中小企业评选工作的通知》(清工函[2020]58号)文件精神组织推荐辖区内5家企业申报2020年专精特新中小企业,其中广东龙达利山轻金属制品有限公司成功认证。 五是引导企业申报中小微企业扶持资金。 指导广东远光电缆实业有限公司、清远益成阻燃材料有限公司、广东龙生药业有限公司3家企业申请中小微企业贷款贴息项目,并获得清远市2020年推动经济高质量发展省专项资金(促进民营经济和小微工业企业规模发展)共计730383元。


紧紧围绕产业结构优化,加快转型升级,大力推进源潭物流园和互联网+创新产业园(华南声谷)两大产业平台建设,成效显着。 一、源潭物流园广百华南物流枢纽项目一期工程已于2019年12月26日竣工开业; 108亩土地正在供地; 三期工程321亩已报批。 清远源潭城际综合物流产业园项目一期用地约264亩,已于2019年1月取得建设用地规划许可证和房产证,目前正在进行建设前平整工作,计划于2019年正式开工建设。 2021 年; 广东金邦冷连锁仓储物流园项目于2019年11月15日开工建设,桩基础工程和地下人防工程施工已完成,目前已进入地面建筑施工阶段。 二、清远星谷科技发展有限公司一期1号楼、2号楼已于2020年正式投入运营,二期预计2021年初开工建设; 万方大数据产业园项目一期1号楼已于2020年9月竣工试运营,2、3号楼已封顶并拆除外网,安装电梯。 中心花园大楼已进入施工现场,高低压设备及永久供水已安装完毕,弱电及三网已校准并准备施工,二期工程用地已完成除名; 广东博宏药业有限公司项目一期50亩土地已退市,正在进行容积率调整; 中国联通(华南)智能通信互联网产业园项目已于2019年11月签署投资协议,项目用地约49亩,正在组织物资挂牌拍卖; 广东嘉富创新投资有限公司 项目建设用地33.78亩已于9月30日退市,正在办理前期手续; 中嘉博创(华南)金融信息服务产业园项目已签署投资协议,土地供应工作正在进行中。


一是抓好指标分解,推动责任落实。 根据清远市对我区外经贸工作主要任务的目标和各街道、镇的实际情况,我们将会同有关部门制定《2020年街道、镇外资工作目标和任务分配表》青城区各镇”。 二是做好形势分析,摸清数据。 受新冠肺炎疫情、春节假期延长等因素影响,我区外贸进出口受到较大影响。 今年年初,我区外贸进出口数据与去年同期相比大幅下降。 对2019年清城区有出口业务的企业进行调研。三是抓好政策落实,促进产业发展。 组织引导辖区内企业向国家、省、市争取各类对外经济贸易发展金融支持专项资金。 共帮助2家企业申请2020年促进经济高质量发展专项资金,收到资金51.76万元。 四是充分发挥省级自贸区的辐射带动作用,加快发展电子商务,积极推进物流保税中心建设,重点加强跨境电商平台建设以及对相关企业的业务指导和政策支持,促进外贸企业与跨境电商平台的业务对接,探索和促进我区跨境贸易新的增长点,促进转型升级。我区对外贸易发展。


一是做好创新驱动工作。 建议广东龙生药业有限公司申请广东省科技厅支持的省级工程技术研究中心,支持疫情防控组织。 推荐丽珠集团新北江制药有限公司等2家企业申请2021年省级重点实验室。推荐广东亿源通科技有限公司等7家企业申请第十九批省级企业技术中心认定广东省认定,推荐广东清远蒙娜丽莎陶瓷有限公司等5家企业申报清远工程技术研究开发中心。 二是引导企业申请科技扶持资金。 我区9家企业10个项目获省“大专项+任务清单”科技计划立项,项目经费690万元。 广东新亚光股份有限公司荣获2019年度省科学技术进步奖二等奖。 广东清远蒙娜丽莎建筑陶瓷有限公司低湿同步脱硫脱硝技术优化及陶瓷窑炉钙基吸收剂核心装备研发等3个项目获批2020年度清远市科学技术奖计划项目,项目经费130万元。 三是完成2020年区级科技计划项目立项。 2020年,我区6家企业、3所学校共9个项目获得清远市清城区科技计划项目立项,项目经费220万元。 为扩大科技创新普及,科学馆项目是我区今年设立的第一个应用项目。 大观小学、金星小学、东城中心小学各获得10万元科技馆建设专项资金。 四是编制青城区科技创新发展“十四五”规划。 按照《清远市清城区人民政府办公室关于印发清城区“十四五”规划编制工作方案》的要求,规划和前瞻性布局“十四五”期间科技创新工作为增强青城区科技创新实力,发展新经济,我局招标后委托华南理工大学编制了《青城区“十四五”科技发展规划》青城区创新。



一是刺激实体经济消费能力。 开展“洗车致富”汽车消费促进月活动。 In order to encourage citizens to participate in the upgrading of automobile consumption, the municipal government plans to invest 10 million yuan in special subsidy funds to subsidize the purchase of "National VI" emission standards and new energy vehicles, and directly allocate them to eligible consumers. The second is to do a good job in promoting consumption in Guangdong Province in 2020. Coordinate and carry out the 2020 Guangdong Province Consumption Promotion (Summer) and "Home 520" promotional activities, organize large shopping malls and supermarkets in the region to jointly carry out "520" promotional activities, actively create a consumption atmosphere, and continuously enhance the role of consumption in driving the economy of our district . The third is to cultivate and expand the business circle and optimize the environment of the business circle. Step up the cultivation and expansion of commercial circles in areas such as Wanda Plaza and Times Square, optimize and improve the business environment in commercial areas such as city squares, and effectively improve the level of the real economy in our district. The fourth is to accelerate the development of e-commerce. Continue to focus on the content of the "Three-Year Action Plan for E-commerce in Qingcheng District, Qingyuan City (2019-2021)", entrust a third-party organization to carry out the construction of a social integrity system in our district and the training of e-commerce talents, and at the same time provide e-commerce companies that have settled in our district More and better related services; it is planned to hold the second Qingcheng District E-commerce Festival within this year, so as to accelerate the development of the Internet industry and e-commerce construction in Qingcheng District, use e-commerce to carry out targeted poverty alleviation, and integrate the products of enterprises in our district with e-commerce Combining with business, open up new channels for agricultural products to enter the city, open up local agricultural product sales markets, and at the same time introduce foreign products, enrich the trade market in our district, facilitate the masses, activate the e-commerce economy, expand social consumption and zero business, and at the same time accelerate the integration of industrial enterprises in Qingcheng District In the construction of e-commerce, the high-quality industrial products of leading enterprises in our district will be displayed in the e-commerce festival in our district.

(11) Continue to promote industrial energy conservation and clean production

One is to promote the "coal to gas" production line of ceramic enterprises. At present, there are 12 ceramic enterprises in our district, and 85 ceramic production lines have been built. All the production lines in production have completed the transformation of "coal to gas" and use natural gas. The second is to carry out clean production work. A total of 6 enterprises have carried out clean production and passed the inspection. The third is to organize enterprises to carry out the declaration of special funds for the green development of industrial enterprises in Qingyuan City in 2019. The fourth is to organize enterprises to carry out the application for the 2020 provincial intelligent manufacturing pilot demonstration projects. The fifth is to organize enterprises to carry out investigations on the comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste. The sixth is to carry out industrial energy conservation work. Complete the tasks assigned by superiors such as annual energy conservation assessment and supervision, promote the benchmarking of energy consumption (water efficiency) in key industries, and organize enterprises to carry out energy conservation diagnosis.

(12) Vigorously develop the industrial Internet to promote the quality and efficiency of enterprises

The first is to organize enterprises to apply for service coupons on the cloud platform. Actively publicize the relevant policies of "Shangyun Platform" to enterprises within the jurisdiction, and organize qualified enterprises to apply for "Cloud Platform" service coupons. Qingyuan Huahong Copper Co., Ltd. and Qingyuan Jianyi Ceramics Co., Ltd. successively 10 companies, including Nanfang Building Materials Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd., have obtained service vouchers for the "Shanghai Cloud Platform". The second is to further accelerate the construction of optical fiber network infrastructure in rural areas. Achieve 100% optical network coverage in 132 administrative villages, and optical network coverage in all natural villages in the region Reaching more than 95%, the goal of "all-optical urban area" has been basically achieved. The third is to accelerate the construction of new communication infrastructure for 5G wireless networks. According to the "Notice on 5G Base Station Construction Tasks in 2020", our bureau actively cooperates with various telecom operators , Qingyuan City Branch of Iron Tower seized the construction progress, ensured the completion of tasks, accelerated the coverage of 5G network in our district, and laid the foundation for promoting the wide application of 5G in our district. As of November, our district has completed a total of 454 5G base station construction tasks assigned by the city .

(13) Completing the task of creating literature and upgrading Gongwei

As the leading unit for the creative work of shopping malls, supermarkets and main commercial streets in our district, our bureau revised and passed the "Work Plan for Building a National Civilized City in Qingcheng District in 2020" and "Creating a National Civilized City in Qingcheng District in 2020" after soliciting opinions The Work Plan for Upgrading Actions on Main Commercial Streets provides a detailed division of labor for the creative work of shopping malls, supermarkets and major commercial streets in 2020, and clarifies the responsibilities of each member unit. Our bureau is responsible for the construction of a creative environment for commercial streets, shopping malls and supermarkets, and the repair and renovation of civilized public toilets for shopping malls and supermarkets in Qingcheng District. Carry out the work of upgrading the farmer's market, and focus on improving the hardware construction and transformation of the farmer's market. Carry out the selection activities of civilized window units in large shopping malls, supermarkets, and professional markets. A total of 2 civilized shopping malls, 2 civilized supermarkets, and 1 civilized professional market were selected. The validity period of the selection results is one year.

2. Work plan for 2021

(1) Continue to do a good job in attracting investment.

The first is to focus on Internet + Innovation Industrial Park (South China Sound Valley) and Shijiao Nonferrous Metal Deep Processing Area to attract investment, and accelerate the introduction of Internet + projects such as financial services and big data processing and nonferrous metal deep processing projects. By 2021, our district expects to introduce 15 new projects with a total investment of 10 billion yuan. The second is to give full play to the advantages of Guangzhou's stationed investment attraction, collect business resources through multiple channels, and actively introduce high-quality projects. The third is to seize the opportunity of counterpart assistance in Guangqing, deepen the joint investment promotion with Yuexiu District, base on the major industrial platforms and the development direction of leading industries in our district, and rely on the construction of major platforms such as Guangqing Industrial Park, Yuantan Logistics Park, and South China Sound Valley , keep a close eye on national industrial policies and investment trends, implement fixed-point targeted investment promotion; actively explore Internet + innovative industries, make full use of high-level investment promotion activities, and take advantage of the "Guangdong Province Further Expanding Opening to the Outside World and Actively Utilizing Foreign Investment Several Policies and Measures" and our city's preferential policies Policies, active planning, and strive to introduce a number of high-quality foreign investment projects.

(2) Strengthen enterprise services

The first is to strengthen enterprise visits, research and services, help enterprises coordinate and solve problems and difficulties encountered in the actual construction and production process, and accelerate their start-up, production and regulation. Digging deep into project reserves, especially projects that are planned to start construction in the near future or have already started construction, are included in the scope of statistics. The second is to make good use of the joint meeting system for key enterprises and key promotion projects, completely change the work style, fully focus on corporate services, and optimize the business environment. By 2021, our district is expected to promote the construction of 10 projects including the Jinxing Science and Technology Industrial Park; promote the completion and commissioning of 10 projects such as the Xinbeijiang Pharmaceutical Relocation Project; promote the approval of 8 companies including Weikang Entertainment Pipe Pile Company.

(3) Continue to implement a new round of technological transformation


The first is to thoroughly implement the spirit of the relevant documents of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, and accelerate the implementation of another round of technological transformation in the advanced manufacturing industry and advantageous traditional industries in our district from the four aspects of quality improvement, intelligent transformation, equipment update, and green development. ; The second is to do a good job in sorting out the existing industrial technological transformation investment stock projects, and formulate a project library to be tracked in 2021 for key follow-up and regular updates. Enterprise warehousing statistics, strive to complete the target tasks assigned by the city to our district in 2021, and strive to complete 2 billion yuan and 860 million yuan in industrial investment and industrial technological transformation investment in 2021; the third is to do a good job in service , Coordinating the problems encountered in the construction of technical transformation projects; Fourth, through various methods such as holding policy presentations and website releases, intensifying the publicity of policies related to technological transformation and reducing enterprise costs, and actively organizing and assisting enterprises to declare national and provincial Various support funds at the municipal level and special funds for technical transformation, so that more enterprises can enjoy the preferential policies of the government.

(4) Continue to do a good job in foreign economic and trade work.

Actively plan new formats to promote the transformation and development of foreign trade. During the epidemic, new business forms such as cross-border e-commerce and comprehensive foreign trade services can develop stably. There is an urgent need to accelerate the development of new business forms and new models, and support the integrated development of market procurement trade and cross-border e-commerce. We must make full use of the integration of Guangqing Advantages, give full play to the radiating and driving role of the provincial free trade zone, combined with local realities, strive to realize the leapfrog development of cross-border e-commerce trade, focus on strengthening the construction of cross-border e-commerce platforms and business guidance and policy support for related enterprises, and promote foreign trade enterprises and The business docking of the cross-border e-commerce platform will further promote the transformation and development of foreign trade in our region.

(5) Actively cultivate consumption hotspots and stimulate consumers' willingness to consume.

One is to continue to organize various themed promotional activities. Focus on promoting multi-form promotional activities in retail shopping malls, supermarkets, automobiles and other industries. The second is to actively cultivate new consumption hotspots. Vigorously support local enterprises in e-commerce transactions, develop online sales, expand new consumption patterns, and complement traditional transaction methods.

(6) Strengthen scientific and technological innovation.

The first is to strengthen publicity and mobilization. Fully publicize and make use of relevant provincial and municipal support policies, combined with specific project declarations, strive to implement high-level enterprise identification, evaluation of small and medium-sized technology-based enterprises, and construction of research and development institutions, and strive to complete the scientific and technological innovation tasks assigned by the city in 2021. The second is to strengthen the management of scientific and technological projects. Utilize the establishment and completion of provincial, municipal, and district science and technology planning projects to stimulate enterprises to carry out R&D activities, invest in R&D funds independently, and accelerate the conversion rate of scientific and technological achievements, thereby enhancing the core competitiveness of enterprises.

(7) Continue to do a good job in corporate services

Implement the newly revised "Regulations on Promoting the Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Guangdong Province" and "Several Opinions of Qingyuan City on Promoting the Accelerated Development of the Private Economy" issued by the Qingyuan Municipal People's Government Office, and combine the actual situation of our district to do a good job in cultivating and supporting private enterprises At the same time, with the help of the three-level "grid" service enterprise system established by the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, it provides timely, convenient and accurate "zero-distance" services for key service target enterprises in our district.

(8) Do a good job in other work of industry and information technology

The first is to continue to do a good job in the normalization of epidemic prevention and control. The second is to continue to do a good job in the record verification of the second-hand car trading market and the management of first-hand car sales enterprises. The third is to continue to increase efforts to do a good job in the safety production management of the civil explosives industry, shopping malls and supermarkets. The fourth is to actively do a good job in party building. Further publicize and implement the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party and the Fifth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Party, deeply study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's inspection of Guangdong, solidly promote the construction of the party's organization, the construction of a clean and honest government, and the construction of the rule of law, and carry out in-depth "two studies and one action" "Normalize and institutionalize education activities in learning and education, strengthen theoretical study, and strengthen political and ideological education for party members and cadres.

Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Qingcheng District, Qingyuan City

2020 年 11 月 20 日

